A large component of a healthy community is the provision of open space and recreation. In New Castle, the open space and recreational amenities are highly utilized and valued by Town residents. Of the Town’s 4,418 acres accounted for by open space and recreational uses, publicly owned parks and open space account for 1,570 acres, providing almost 0.1 acre per resident. Including school properties, publicly owned open space accounts for 1,762 acres. With the exception of the Hudson Hills Golf Course, which is managed by Westchester County, the community’s publicly owned, active use parklands are maintained either by the Town of New Castle or the Chappaqua Central School District. Publicly owned, passive use parks and preserves are open to the public for hiking, walking and nature observation, and are managed by a variety of stewards including the Town, adjacent municipalities, Westchester County and New York State. A complete list of these parks and their uses can be found below in Figure 1.