Health and Wellness

Healthy Community:

Health and Wellness

A healthy com­mu­ni­ty also pro­motes the health and well­ness of res­i­dents. Health and well­ness relates to both the phys­i­cal and social well­be­ing of res­i­dents. This chap­ter estab­lish­es goals to improve off-road link­ages between open space parcels and promi­nent des­ti­na­tions in the Town, not only to enhance alter­na­tive trans­porta­tion options (side­walks and trail­ways) but to encour­age phys­i­cal activ­i­ty. This Plan also sets forth goals to pro­mote sus­tain­able food prac­tices in Town through the recog­ni­tion and sup­port of local farmer’s mar­kets, food ven­dors and com­mu­ni­ty gar­dens. The Town of New Cas­tle pro­vides a num­ber of social ser­vices to its res­i­dents, includ­ing trans­porta­tion assis­tance for seniors. In a Healthy Com­mu­ni­ty, all res­i­dents are able to access infor­ma­tion regard­ing avail­able social ser­vices (local and region­al) and com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly with the Town. This Plan sets forth goals to pro­mote aware­ness of avail­able social ser­vices through a vari­ety of media and improve Town com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and response mechanisms.