Ensure adequate infrastructure service to meet existing and future demand
Goal 13. Ensure adequate infrastructure service to meet existing and future demand
Infrastructure services include roads; stormwater, sewer, and drinking water systems; clean energy systems such as LED lighting, microgrids and/or combined heat and power (CHP) installations; and potable water and fire suppression technologies, among others. The Town should develop an Infrastructure Inventory, Repair and Replacement Plan that includes the history of infrastructure district creation (if applicable), quantifies existing infrastructure capacity and identifies needed improvements regarding expansion of service for health and safety (including fire suppression) and in relation to hazard mitigation measures as discussed in the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. Proposed development projects should be coordinated with the Town’s infrastructure needs, including the continued examination of the feasibility of extending sewer service to the Millwood hamlet and areas where septic systems are failing. The expansion of wastewater systems and other associated infrastructure should not take place solely to allow for additional higher density development, to the detriment of the environment, or without some additional benefit that meets other goals of this Plan. For example, the expansion of infrastructure systems should enhance the use of clean/green technology, expand opportunities for alternative and/or affordable housing, and/or aid in building alternative transportation linkages.
Related Principle: Livable Built EnvironmentRelated Actions
13.1. Develop Infrastructure Inventory, Repair and Replacement Plan - In progess. 30% Completed
13.2. Capital Improvement Plan - In progess. 100% Completed
13.3. Create a workgroup consisting of relevant Department Heads and Town staff - Pending
13.4. Sewer service - In progess. 75% Completed
13.5. Loop water systems - Pending
13.6. Explore the creation of maintenance districts - In progess. 100% Completed
13.7. Explore the creation of a program to inspect sewer laterals - Pending