Chappaqua Crossing
Resilient Economy:
Chappaqua Crossing
While the Chappaqua and Millwood hamlets exist today within borders that were outlined in the TDP, there has been some change in regards to the commercial composition of the Town since 1989. At the time and as discussed in the TDP, there were two other properties in New Castle zoned for business and office use: a large property owned by IBM off of Croton Dam Road, and the Reader’s Digest campus sandwiched between the Saw Mill River Parkway and Route 117. IBM did not end up constructing any facilities on their property. In 1997, IBM sold its property to Westchester County. Today it is Hudson Hills, a public golf course. In 2004, Reader’s Digest sold its property to a private developer, Summit Greenfield, and by December 2010, had vacated the campus completely. Other tenants filled some of the 700,000 square feet of office space available on the campus, but large portions of the property remained underutilized.
After acquiring the Reader’s Digest property, now known as Chappaqua Crossing, Summit Greenfield presented the Town Board with various redevelopment scenarios for the site, which included retail and multi-family residential uses. At the time, Chappaqua Crossing was not zoned for such development; it was, and continues to be, the only property within the Town zoned B‑RO-20, for research office and business use.

Recognizing the chronically high vacancy rates on the property and the need for new and varied housing options within the community, and following the closure of the D’Agostinos grocery store in the Chappaqua hamlet, the New Castle Town Board entertained the possibility of permitting retail uses at Chappaqua Crossing, anchored by a full-service grocery store. After much deliberation and study, in December of 2014, the Town Board established the Office Park Retail Overlay District (OPROD) zoning classification. The OPROD allows the establishment of retail uses within the B‑RO-20 zoning district. The Town Board also approved a Multi-Family Planned Development (MFPD) zoning district on the property to allow for the development of multifamily housing units. The Town Board has also approved preliminary development concept plans, including design guidelines, for the retail and residential development of Chappaqua Crossing. In total, the 113.7‑acre site will host 500,000 square feet of office space; 120,000 square feet of retail space, including a 40,000-squarefoot grocer and 40,000-square-foot fitness facility; 64 units of mixed-income housing (i.e., affordable, workforce and market rate units); and an additional 91 townhomes. It is important to note, however, that the mixed-use Chappaqua Crossing campus was not intended or designed to become a hamlet like the Chappaqua and Millwood hamlets. The addition of retail and residential uses at Chappaqua Crossing was driven by the need to reevaluate the role of this unique property in the community in light of its diminished use and obsolescence as a single occupant corporate campus. For planning and zoning purposes, Chappaqua Crossing should not be treated as a third hamlet, particularly with respect to the established residential areas surrounding the property. Doing so would be inconsistent with the policies and goals set forth in this Plan.
To help ensure that that the new retail and other development at the Chappaqua Crossing campus does not divert substantial business activity and related pedestrian traffic away from the Chappaqua and Millwood hamlets, the Town Board imposed a number of conditions upon the developer to help ensure that Chappaqua Crossing complements the Town’s hamlets. For example, limitations related to the size of buildings and type of stores were carefully defined in the OPROD. The developers plan to construct kiosks on their property advertising businesses in the hamlets and will facilitate jitney service between Chappaqua Crossing and the Chappaqua hamlet. This Plan establishes the goal to continue to examine ways to enable the hamlets and the mixed-use commercial and residential uses at Chappaqua Crossing to thrive individually and complement one another so that the provision of civic, retail and commercial services for Town residents is balanced and coordinated.