Water and Sewer Infrastructure
Livable Built Environment:
Water and Sewer Infrastructure
New Castle’s built environment is supported by a model water system, private wells and sewer infrastructure systems, including privately owned septic systems. Roughly 80% of New Castle’s land area is supplied drinking water through the New Castle-Stanwood Water District. Well water serves the remaining land area and in these areas, protection of the potable aquifers requires enhanced measures and regulatory tools. As was advocated for in the TDP, much of the Town has remained disconnected from a sewer system due to the high cost associated with connection and regional capacity issues. While there are some areas, mainly in and around the Chappaqua hamlet, that are sewered, a majority of the Town relies on septic systems for subsurface wastewater disposal. This has hampered potential land use development in the Millwood hamlet and has forced dependence on aging septic systems in neighborhoods that would greatly benefit from access to sanitary sewers.
span class=“Apple-converted-space”> the Town’s request that Westchester County expand the Saw Mill River Sewer District to allow wastewater from the Random Farms Wastewater Treatment Plant (serving the Random Farms Conservation Subdivision) and the Fox Hollow Wastewater Treatment Plant (serving the Riverwoods Condominiums and the Yeshiva Farm Settlement) to be diverted to the Yonkers Wastewater Treatment Plant owned and operated by Westchester County. This request was generated due to the historical evidence of difficulty with the operation and maintenance of the existing package wastewater treatment plants. The Town also obtained a commitment of $10 million of the Westchester County Water Quality Improvement Program Fund (East of Hudson Fund) to partially fund the $25 million dollar project to construct infrastructure to connect the new areas of the sewer district within the Croton watershed to the County’s wastewater treatment facility in Yonkers. Negotiations between the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Westchester County and the Town are ongoing for additional monies and additional funding sources are being explored. This Plan further recommends undertaking feasibility studies for installing sanitary sewer systems in residential areas where failing septic systems have caused or may cause negative environmental impacts. The same studies should be conducted in and around the Millwood Hamlet to determine the form and shape of revitalization. In early 2017 the New Castle Town Board contracted with Woodard and Curran to undertake the Millwood Sanitary Sewer District Feasibility Study to evaluate alternatives for providing future sanitary sewer service to the Millwood Sanitary Sewer District (MSSD). The analysis consists of a planning level project which will evaluate the options available to the Town of New Castle, including preliminary project cost estimates and schematic layouts. It is the policy of this Plan, as it was stated in the TDP, that the expansion of wastewater systems and other associated public infrastructure should not take place mainly to allow for additional development and higher densities.