Housing Alternatives and Infill Development
Livable Built Environment:
Housing Alternatives and Infill Development
This Comprehensive Plan advocates for the development of alternative housing at a range of price points which will satisfy the housing needs of the populations that are currently underserved by the Town’s existing housing stock, in particular, seniors, low-income families, and young professionals. Alternative housing developed within a single-family residential neighborhood must be consistent with the neighborhood’s character, aesthetic and scale. This can be achieved through creative design techniques (e.g. “gate” houses and two-family houses that appear as single family homes). Whenever possible, alternative housing should be developed as part of infill development within the hamlets, or in areas surrounding the hamlets, where residents can access amenities and services without the use of a private vehicle.

The TDP discouraged infill development in the hamlets to keep them visually compatible with the residential character of the Town, and to balance traffic generation, road capacity, and parking demands. This Plan encourages sustainable mixed-use development where daily goods, services, entertainment and recreational opportunities with reduced dependence on private automobiles. This would further balance traffic generation, road capacity and parking demands. Expanded mixed-use development within the Town’s hamlets promotes a higher density of development where it is appropriate and most practical. It will also help to address the community’s expressed desire for a greater diversity of retail, restaurant, entertainment and cultural opportunities in the hamlets. For more on this discussion, refer to Chapter 3: Resilient Economy.