​Identify and map limits of existing infrastructure

Action 14.1. ​Identify and map limits of existing infrastructure

Iden­ti­fy and map lim­its of exist­ing infra­struc­ture (i.e. side­walks, sew­er, water) in rela­tion to sur­round­ing land use. Pri­or­i­tize expan­sion poten­tial based on den­si­ty of sur­round­ing devel­op­ment, allow­ing for expan­sion where high­er den­si­ties and infra­struc­tur­al pro­vi­sions exist while main­tain­ing ade­quate tran­si­tion zones between exist­ing densities.

Related Goal: Promote development in areas with…
  • Action Type: Study and Analysis
  • Classification: Infrastructure
  • Departmental Weight: Medium
  • Lead Responsible Party: Development
  • Other Responsible Parties:

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