Preserve and protect historic resources
Goal 6. Preserve and protect historic resources
The preservation of historic resources is integral not only to preserve but celebrate what gives the Town its identity, creating a stronger sense of place and community among residents. The Landmarks Advisory Committee (LAC), led by the Town Historian, maintains a list of landmarked properties in the Town and endeavors to add historic properties to the list in order to maintain the Town’s unique, historic landscape. Approximately two buildings are added to the list of landmarked properties in New Castle each year. There are many historical assets that have not yet been considered, cataloged or marked as such, including trees, parks, businesses and streets. Additionally, many buildings in New Castle could be considered historic for reasons other than age or previous occupants; design and architecture could also play a role in categorizing certain structures as historic. The Town should partner with the Historical Society, when appropriate, to provide resources, such as manpower or program support, to stimulate research activity and awareness regarding the Town’s historic resources.
Related Principle: Livable Built Environment