Facilitate a range of housing types that are affordable to a diverse residential population in the hamlets and surrounding areas

Goal 3. Facilitate a range of housing types that are affordable to a diverse residential population in the hamlets and surrounding areas

Facil­i­tat­ing a range of hous­ing options in or in the ham­lets or sur­round­ing areas would pro­vide a diverse set of res­i­dents, from young pro­fes­sion­als and low-income fam­i­lies to work­force and senior pop­u­la­tions, with access to ameni­ties and ser­vices. The Town Code should be updat­ed to bet­ter encour­age the pro­vi­sion of mixed-use, mul­ti-fam­i­ly, con­do­mini­ums, town­hous­es, senior and work­force hous­ing, and acces­so­ry dwelling units in such areas as part of infill and mixed use devel­op­ments. Cur­rent­ly, the Town Code requires the pro­vi­sion of a cer­tain per­cent­age or num­ber of afford­able units in new mul­ti-fam­i­ly devel­op­ments in all mul­ti-fam­i­ly res­i­den­tial zon­ing dis­tricts. Deter­mine whether exist­ing per­cent­ages should be increased and/​or expand­ed to apply to mixed-use development. 

Related Principle: Livable Built Environment