Plan for equitable access to recreational services, schools and arts and cultural facilities

Goal 34. Plan for equitable access to recreational services, schools and arts and cultural facilities

The Town should exam­ine enroll­ment demo­graph­ics of recre­ation­al pro­gram­ming par­tic­i­pants and iden­ti­fy areas of improve­ment to ensure access to pro­gram­ming is attain­able by all res­i­dents, no mat­ter age, phys­i­cal abil­i­ty, or income lev­el. All Town-owned recre­ation­al facil­i­ties should be eval­u­at­ed to ensure they are hand­i­cap acces­si­ble and ADA com­pli­ant. Final­ly, the Town should con­tin­ue its open dia­logue with the Chap­paqua Cen­tral School Dis­trict regard­ing ameni­ty usage and scheduling.

Related Principle: Healthy Community