Ensure sustainable construction and design of buildings to minimize their environmental impact throughout their lifecycle

Goal 22. Ensure sustainable construction and design of buildings to minimize their environmental impact throughout their lifecycle

The way in which a build­ing is designed, con­struct­ed, oper­at­ed and main­tained deter­mines its impact on the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, as well as on the building’s occu­pants, for its entire life­cy­cle. Green build­ings are designed and oper­at­ed to be resource-effi­cient, to gen­er­ate less waste and pol­lu­tion, and to serve as healthy envi­ron­ments for occu­pants. Green build­ings can also pro­vide eco­nom­ic ben­e­fits (e.g. reduced ener­gy costs, high­er home val­ues) well into the future. Build­ings in New Cas­tle should be as high-per­form­ing and as sus­tain­able as pos­si­ble. The Town’s exist­ing green build­ing code, which can be found with­in Chap­ter 74 of the Town Code, should be exam­ined to ensure it reflects the best prac­tices in mate­ri­als, build­ing sys­tems, and oper­a­tions, to the extent prac­ti­ca­ble. The Town should con­sid­er adopt­ing a stretch code that requires more rig­or­ous ener­gy reg­u­la­tions for new­ly con­struct­ed and exist­ing build­ings that have been ren­o­vat­ed than the base ener­gy code. Edu­ca­tion­al mate­r­i­al regard­ing the ben­e­fits of green build­ing prac­tices should be devel­oped to pro­mote sus­tain­able construction.

Related Principle: Harmony with Nature