Chappaqua Hamlet Rezoning Project
What is the Comprehensive Plan?
New Castle's Comprehensive Plan is a framework for the future. The global political, social and environmental shifts that have taken place since the turn of the century have impacted local economies an communities and therefore have altered planning priorities at the local level. The New Castle Comprehensive plan sets forth goals and actions that will enable New Castle to navigate these shifts and continue to thrive as a desirable place to live, work and play for generations to come.

About New Castle
The Town of New Castle is a 23.4 square mile suburban bedroom community situated in northern Westchester County with a population of just under 18,000 people.

About the Plan
The 2017 New Castle Comprehensive Plan is the first plan since 1989. While the 1989 plan was never formally adopted, it did provide guidance as if it was. The 2017 Plan sets forth the community's vision for preserving the Town's strenghts and addressing our future needs.

Guiding Principles
The 2017 Comprehensive Plan adopts a multi-disciplinary approach which recognizes the interwoven complexity of the world in which we live. The 2017 Plan principles include: Livable Built Environment, Harmony with Nature, Resilient Economy, Healthy Community, and Responsible Regionalism.