Provide access for non-motorized forms of transportation, make streets accessible for all users (i.e. pedestrians of all ages and abilities, cyclists, vehicles) and promote walkability

Goal 10. Provide access for non-motorized forms of transportation, make streets accessible for all users (i.e. pedestrians of all ages and abilities, cyclists, vehicles) and promote walkability

Streets that pro­vide safe access to all users, pedes­tri­ans, cyclists and motor vehi­cles alike, are called Com­plete Streets. The Town should look to pro­vide Com­plete Streets pro­vi­sions on its road­ways, where appro­pri­ate. Pri­or­i­ty should be giv­en to roads that con­nect neigh­bor­hoods to the ham­lets, schools and oth­er loca­tions of pub­lic gath­er­ing. A Com­plete Streets pol­i­cy doc­u­ment that is spe­cif­ic to the Town should be gen­er­at­ed so that the Com­plete Street pro­vi­sions made on the Town’s road­ways are appro­pri­ate for the Town’s road­ways and improve safe­ty. A Side­walk Plan for the ham­let areas and out­ly­ing neigh­bor­hoods as well as neigh­bor­hoods near the schools and oth­er pub­lic gath­er­ing spaces should be devel­oped. The Town should also exam­ine the fea­si­bil­i­ty of side­walks with­in and between neigh­bor­hoods that do not bor­der the ham­let areas, and on all major routes includ­ing Route 117, 100, 120, 133 and 128. Coor­di­na­tion with Coun­ty and State per­mit­ting enti­ties should be undertaken.

Related Principle: Livable Built Environment