Preserve and protect historic resources

Goal 6. Preserve and protect historic resources

The preser­va­tion of his­toric resources is inte­gral not only to pre­serve but cel­e­brate what gives the Town its iden­ti­ty, cre­at­ing a stronger sense of place and com­mu­ni­ty among res­i­dents. The Land­marks Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee (LAC), led by the Town His­to­ri­an, main­tains a list of land­marked prop­er­ties in the Town and endeav­ors to add his­toric prop­er­ties to the list in order to main­tain the Town’s unique, his­toric land­scape. Approx­i­mate­ly two build­ings are added to the list of land­marked prop­er­ties in New Cas­tle each year. There are many his­tor­i­cal assets that have not yet been con­sid­ered, cat­a­loged or marked as such, includ­ing trees, parks, busi­ness­es and streets. Addi­tion­al­ly, many build­ings in New Cas­tle could be con­sid­ered his­toric for rea­sons oth­er than age or pre­vi­ous occu­pants; design and archi­tec­ture could also play a role in cat­e­go­riz­ing cer­tain struc­tures as his­toric. The Town should part­ner with the His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, when appro­pri­ate, to pro­vide resources, such as man­pow­er or pro­gram sup­port, to stim­u­late research activ­i­ty and aware­ness regard­ing the Town’s his­toric resources. 

Related Principle: Livable Built Environment