Increase availability of recreational programming and facilities

Goal 32. Increase availability of recreational programming and facilities

Feed­back from res­i­dents and the Recre­ation and Parks Com­mis­sion dur­ing the Com­pre­hen­sive Plan out­reach process sug­gest that there is a need to increase the avail­abil­i­ty of recre­ation­al pro­gram­ming and facil­i­ties in the Town. A for­mal park­land and facil­i­ties demand analy­sis and a com­mu­ni­ty sur­vey should be con­duct­ed to gauge the recre­ation­al needs of res­i­dents of all ages, socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus­es and abil­i­ties. The 2007 Recre­ation and Parks Mas­ter Plan should then be updat­ed to include the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of large recre­ation­al projects and new recre­ation­al programming.

Related Principle: Healthy Community